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What If I Could
Change The Direction Of Your Future
For Only €1600 €1350?

Set Yourself Up To Heal Your Traumas and Manifest Abundance.

Our Next

"Free Yourself Retreat" In Tarifa, Spain

Starts on March 30!

Start Your Journey Now For A One-Time Offer 

Of €1350


You're A Lot Lot Closer To Your DREAMS Than
You May Realise...

Why is it so hard?


You feel like you are doing everything right. Your days are positive. Your routine keeps things predictable. You are able to keep the ship afloat. YET…


There’s a niggling feeling that there is more to life than this.

And you know that your life would feel more fulfilling if you could tap into your own potential and insightfulness, enriching your life in profound ways.

Maybe the work you have already done on yourself hasn't got you to where you want to be.

Or maybe you feel like it is time to level up.


We get it.


And we want to help you.

I recently had an epiphany. 

I was rewatching all of my clients testimonials from my transformational retreats I have run over the past 5 years. And while I watched it I began to realise that I have truly created something special...

A system that can almost guarantee a transformational experience.

And I instantly knew that it was time to go all in.

With so many distractions in our day to day life, it comes as no surprise that going to a different environment to manifest change has been proven time and time again to be more effective.

I have refined & fine-tuned my upcoming retreats once again...

And you don't want to miss out on the best one to date.


Some of the things that my guests will enjoy:

  • Daily Yoga Classes

  • Subconscious Reprogramming

  • 7 Nights Of Accommodation In A Luxury Villa

  • Presentations, Workshops & One On One Guidance

  • Healing And Nourishing Ceremonies

  • Rich Plant Based Food Cooked In House By My Private Chef



My focus for these next two retreats is to offer this transformational experience at best value I ever will, so you will never see this price again.

But This Is What I Have Been Guided To Do.

Creating The Perfect Retreat Is My Mission, And Each Retreat I Run Brings Me Closer Towards It.


Who Am I?

I am Lisa Marie Robinson. I am an experienced retreat facilitator and I have been coaching and teaching for over 35 years, which has taken me all over the world.


Throughout my journey, I have coached thousands of people and have accumulated a vast amount of knowledge in all areas of health, fitness, and wellness, spending well over 15 years lecturing in these subjects.

The key areas of my teachings help my clients make impactful changes to improve their mental and physical health; teaching them the importance of self love and self respect; and how to break negative cycles and integrate life changing positive habits. 

What You Will Be Receiving On This Retreat:

  • Yoga, Meditation, Hypnotherapy, Cacao Ceremony

  • Inner Child Healing, Sound Journey, And More

  • Presentations / Workshops

  • Mountain Hikes And Beach Walks

  • Sunset Trips

  • A Heartwarming Connection To The Other Guests That Could Lead To A Life-Long Friendship

  • Post Retreat Care

  • 7 Nights Accommodation In A Luxury Villa

  • Private Catering For Breakfast, Lunch, And Dinner

  • Access To Unlimited Filtered Water and Herbal Teas

  • Optional Beach And Forest Horse Riding

  • Amenities

Here's What Some Of My Previous Guests Have To Say:

BONUS! 90 Day Subscription To My Online Yoga Platform  (€60 Value)

I have also decided to gift you a free 3 month subscription to my yoga platform.


I have over 25 hours of content that you will be able to log in to and partake in whenever you want.

I have designed them to be suitable for all levels, in the same way that I teach all of my classes.

Another great testimonial:


"After finally managing to get on one of my retreats, Rebecca, a lovely lady I have known for many years, was completely blown away by how different she felt by the end of the last one I ran in Tarifa."


Watch the video below to hear her explain her experience in her own words ❤️

Anchor 2

And My Big Question To You Is....

Are You Ready To Bring Change Into Your Life?

Now I know what you might be feeling... This may feel slightly overwhelming, it might not feel like you are ready yet or unable to see what lies over the horizon.

I get it.

Our minds are a product of their environment and the manifestors of our future. That feeling you may feel is your mind preparing to come to terms with creating (and attracting) a new reality. And it's normal!

Change is one of the hardest feelings to face and overcome, and that is why I am here to hold your hand and help guide you through it. We will be on this journey TOGETHER, and my team and I will be with you at every moment to make sure you don't feel alone.


Click Below To Schedule An Application Call:


Is There A Guarantee?

Of course...

We guarantee that if you commit to coming to the retreat with an open mind, being open to change and willing to implement what you learn, that by the time the retreat is complete you will know EVERYTHING you need to do in order to bring your life to new heights!

If for some reason you don't feel like that is true, or that its not working for you you can let us know during the retreat and receive everything back minus the cost required to cover your space.


Pretty simple.


But if you're like most people, this experience will be a major catalyst in your life that you will never forget!

All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2024 Lisa Marie Method

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